Sunday, June 13, 2010

VIDEO: The TEASER for My Movie

Hey friends, here is the link for the trailer for my movie, X-TREME SQUIRRELS.(click here to watch it)

I wanted to share it with you. We are just at the beginning stages as, now that this video, the script, the website and the pitch packet are put together, I am going to begin pitching this story to Hollywood execs and studios.

I passionately believe in this project, in this story, in this movie, and I can't wait to get it into production.

I would ask that you do 4 things for me, please.

1) Please watch the video. (haha...the more hits and views I get, the better my strategy for going to the studios...and I fully recommend watching the HD version)

2) Please forward it to as many friends as possibe. Here is the direct link that you can copy and paste in your emails:

3) Please pray that this be seen by the right people in Hollywood (ie: agents, studio heads, star attachment deals, etc.). I have a prayer list of people that I want to get this in front of, but I don't want to share those names here. However, I just want this to get a good "buzz" going in the community.

4) If you know anyone in the industry (no matter who), please forward this on to them with a "big recommend."

Thanks so much, and enjoy the trailer!