Sunday, January 10, 2010

PART 1 - Root Problem Or Fruit Problem?

WARNING: This one may rock the boat a little, but lately, I've been thinking some personally-challenging thoughts with regard to my evangelical efforts. Some of you may even call these thoughts "heretical", but I'm just asking questions. I'm just seeking understanding. I'm not saying that I am right; I'm not saying I am wrong. I am simply writing what has been going around in my brain for a few weeks now... and I welcome thoughts from anyone and everyone. With that said, let's explore:

I fear that as Christians, too often, we focus our missional energies on the "fruit" of our cultural problems rather than the "root" of our cultural problems. We want to see laws changed to favor righteousness. (Fine.) We want to have "righteous-rule" in our land. (Sounds great.

However, I think that we have become political Christians. We have blurred the lines between spiritual freedom in Christ with the civil liberties afforded by the Constitution. We have sought social reform before spiritual reform. In essence, we have looked at the failures in our land and said, "if we can just get more Christians in political offices", or "if we can just get them to outlaw abortion", or "if we can just get them to keep the Ten Commandments up at the courthouse"... "then, and only then, will we have God's favor on our nation." . . . get ready because this is where the boat-rocking starts.

My challenge is this: it does not matter who rules the land. It does not matter what laws are on the books. It does not matter who is in political office. Those issues are all fruit problems. (As a matter of fact, the greatest growth of the Body of Christ on the earth, historically, seems to always come when their is unrighteous and oppressive rule in the land... hmmm...???)

Back to the point: it is a tragic thing when an apple tree doesn't yield fruit, but to focus purely on the no fruit/bad fruit/weak fruit/etc. is fruitless. First, we must examine the root system of that apple tree.

The laws of our land are nothing more than a reflection of the morality of the people of our land. If there is lawless, godless edicts being proclaimed, that is merely because our nation has become lawless and godless. However, simply putting "righteous" rule from the TOP DOWN is nothing more than Theocratic Tyranny. (yes, I just said that.)

We must first focus on the roots: the people of this nation. They need the Church, the Body of Christ, to rise up and reach out. These may seem like a broad generalization...BUT... Christians, more commonly termed by the Media as "the Religious Right", are nothing more than a social institution looking to get the best political deal they can to further their social worldview. (and please, don't get me wrong, it is a beautiful worldview). 

All I am saying is: we are focused on the wrong thing IF we think that the laws on the books will change people's hearts. Rather, we should focus on changing people's hearts first. Then, we will see the laws reflect the morality of the people. That is not to say that we neglect our civil duties as citizens of these United States. That is merely to say that we need to be focused on eternal souls rather than short-term policies. People need salvation, not democracies.

Two final quotes to leave with you: 
1) John Adams wrote: "Our constitution was made for a moral and religious people; it is wholly inadequate for any other."
2) Scripture does not say, "If my people, who are called by my name, will vote in the right politicians and decree the right laws, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land." I believe it actually tells us "if we will humble ourselves and pray.

Theocratic Tyranny comes from the top-down, but Jesus Christ ministered to people by making himself the lowest. He reached out to the broken, to the wounded, the lame, blind, deaf, captives, etc. He was a citizen of a different kingdom who did not confuse his civil duties to Israel and Rome with his eternal duties of showing those who were lost the way back to their heavenly Father.

Like I said, I welcome your thoughts, comments, suggestions, recommendations, etc...

Thursday, January 7, 2010


A friend shared this quick, little video with me.
I thought it was funny.
So, I'm sharing it with you. Enjoy!

For more fun, satire videos from this cartoonist, check out their youtube page at: