One of the great joys of my life this year has been watching Lex develop these first 8 months of his little life. I've noticed, too, that in order for him to develop, Meg and I have had to introduce new challenges to him.
A few months ago we introduced solids --- at first, it was just rice cereal mixed with momma's milk. Nothing too difficult, you might think. However, the first two days, Lex would choke, cough, cry and give us that "what-are-you-doing-to-me?" face. It was quite adorable.
Yet, after a few failed attempts and some heinous tears of "mom-and-dad-have-left-me-to-die-of-starvation," the Boy started to get the hang of chewing and swallowing solids.
It was so funny to watch him laugh victoriously as his tiny mind began to comprehend, "Ahhh yes, this is how big people stop their rumblin' tummies...I too can do this!"
Now, we've been working on crawling.
He's almost there, and we've done our part of putting the toy he wants most just out of his reach, forcing him to work harder to get to it.
Sometimes, he fusses. Other times, he gives up and just plops to his back, slowly rolling his way toward the desired piece of colorful plastic (or Meg's phone, as has sometimes been the case... Yes Dad, he's already cost us $150 in phone replacement as well as signing a new 2-year SPRINT contract... congrats, you got your wish... my child is already breakin' our stuff... HaHa!!).
At other times, he works to get into a crawling position, slowly working his way into that whole-new-world of crawling.
Lex has many challenges in front of him, and they won't stop for the rest of his life. Each of them will stimulate new growth as his little "world" gets larger and larger.
Meg and I, too, have found that just having introduced a new element into our home (ie: Lex) has given us many unforeseen --- and sometimes difficult --- challenges, both emotionally and spiritually. The transition from Two to Three has carried immeasurable joy, but it has also heaped surprising stress.
Through it all, though, I know that we are growing stronger. Our marriage is growing in ways we never imagined.
I think that, just as Meg and I continue to introduce new challenges to our son, God continues to introduce new challenges to His children. Sometimes we fuss. Other times we give up, cry and give God that "what-are-you-doing-to-me?" face.
However, if we take a step back, I think we might just realize that God is introducing challenges to us in order to promote new growth in our lives.
What is the challenge in front of you right now?
How could the Lord be using it to grow you?
Can you step back enough from the pain to thank Him for the challenge?
Friday, November 19, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Letter To An Old Friend
Dear friend,
It has been years since we have spoken, and I feel as if I owe you an apology.
When we last spoke, I was a jerk.
I was angry; I was spiteful; I was arrogant; I was proud. I did not value anything (or anyone) but me.
I was the center of my universe, and only my opinion mattered...
But now... I'm different.
Oh, how I wish you could see who I've become.
I'm a different man than the boy you knew.
I'm a different person now.
At one time, I was pompous, arrogant, full of self...
Now, I am broken and full of nothing... but knowledge of the Grace I have received.
Oh, how I wish you could see me now!
At one time, my thoughts were the MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE UNIVERSE..., I recognize my frailty., I recognize my limited perspective., I recognize my insufficient understanding.
I am so sorry.
Sorry that I ever hurt you.
Sorry that I ever caused you pain.
Sorry that, in my brokenness, I ever caused you to doubt God's goodness.
Sorry that, in my pride, I ever caused you shame.
Please forgive me.
Oh, my friend, if you could see me now...
...You would see a different man from the boy you knew...
...a different humility from the pride you experienced,..
...a different Love from the spite I hurled.
...a different...
...a different...
I love you.
I have never stopped loving you.
Please... find it in your heart...
...forgive me.
(I hope that, one day, we will stand around His throne, and be reconciled.)
When we last spoke, I was a jerk.
I was angry; I was spiteful; I was arrogant; I was proud. I did not value anything (or anyone) but me.
I was the center of my universe, and only my opinion mattered...
But now... I'm different.
Oh, how I wish you could see who I've become.
I'm a different man than the boy you knew.
I'm a different person now.
At one time, I was pompous, arrogant, full of self...
Now, I am broken and full of nothing... but knowledge of the Grace I have received.
Oh, how I wish you could see me now!
At one time, my thoughts were the MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE UNIVERSE..., I recognize my frailty., I recognize my limited perspective., I recognize my insufficient understanding.
I am so sorry.
Sorry that I ever hurt you.
Sorry that I ever caused you pain.
Sorry that, in my brokenness, I ever caused you to doubt God's goodness.
Sorry that, in my pride, I ever caused you shame.
Please forgive me.
Oh, my friend, if you could see me now...
...You would see a different man from the boy you knew...
...a different humility from the pride you experienced,..
...a different Love from the spite I hurled.
...a different...
...a different...
I love you.
I have never stopped loving you.
Please... find it in your heart...
...forgive me.
(I hope that, one day, we will stand around His throne, and be reconciled.)
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