If you've ever aimlessly flipped through the TV channels, you've probably noticed a lot of infomercials for physical fitness. They all promote life-changing results in short periods of time with advertising hooks like: "Get the body you've always wanted in 90 days!"; "Ripped Abs in 60 Days!"; "Lose 30lbs in as little as 6 Weeks!"; "Drop 4 inches in 4 weeks!"; "Get in shape in 2 Weeks!"; "Get an amazing body in only 10, short minutes a day!"...
The list goes on and on and on... Endless promises through extreme programs. Well, I don't know about you, but I can personally attest to the truth that short-term solutions do not produce long-term results. Instead, lasting change comes from a deliberate daily discipline of eating properly and getting exercise. That's it.
The secret to long-term healthy living is very basic. Burn more calories than you take in and get the proper nutrients to fuel your mind and body. And, rather than crazy contortion exercises with goofy ab-rolling, sit-and-spin, row-boat, wonky contraptions that you may not fully understand, the human body needs basic cardio and moderate resistance exercises to thrive.
Now, I admit: when Ryan announced that he would be speaking on the Will of God this past Sunday, I was more than a little nervous. I couldn't help but think, "oh great, here comes someone to offer me extreme promises for my spiritual health... I get to hop into that crazy, ab-rolling contraption called the Will of God - a device I don't fully understand - in order to get in shape spiritually and understand God's Hidden Will.
However, I discovered, much like Paul's sermon last week, that what Ryan was prescribing was getting back to the basics of our faith. He laid out a very practical plan about the Revealed Will of God given to us in the Word. His exercise plan included a steady diet of the Word, Prayer, Daily Time with Jesus and Ministry to the Body. His Get-Fit program included being sanctified (1 Thess. 4:3); being joyful, praying continually and giving thanks in all circumstances (1 Thess. 5:16-18); and not loving the things of the world but striving to have the Love of the Father (1 John 2:17)...
Wow! Simple. Back to basics... Healthy, daily disciplines to achieve long-lasting transformation and to fulfill the Will of God in our lives!
For more NEXT STEPS, please visit: http://www.livingwaters.org/resources/next-steps.html
Uh huh. That's right. No shortcuts to getting fit spiritually. I like the analogy.