...and call me in the morning. A timeless prescription...a prescription that used to be for aspirin, now it's a cliche'. Take two of these and call me in the morning!
Ryan's excellent message on Sunday gave us a great prescription to counteract the venomous snake bite that most of us have received in this life, a snake bite that causes fear, worry and anxiety.
He told us how the snake bite can be countered by an antidote --- an antidote of faith, hope and trust --- that helps us to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony. This antidote gives us peace.
As Ryan explained from Phil 4:6-7, when we receive the antidote, the the "peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard [our] hearts and [our] minds in Christ Jesus."
The antidote is amazing, but don't forget your aspirin, too!
Philippians 4:4 also gives us two doses that can counteract the headaches you might feel from this venom. It says, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" The Word is telling us that when we rejoice in the Lord, when we remember His goodness to us, when we allow our gentleness to be evident to all (v.5) we celebrate His marvelous ways, when we think on those things that are pure, noble, right, admirable, lovely, excellent (v.8), then even in the midst of fear, worry and anxiety, the "God of peace will be with [us] (v.9)
Celebrate God, focus your eyes on Him and His goodness, Rejoice in Him and see if that doesn't alleviate some of the headaches.
So, "REJOICE" in the Lord always, I will say it again: "REJOICE"... take two of these REJOICE and call me in the morning!
For more NEXT STEPS, please visit: http://www.livingwaters.org/resources/next-steps.html
Beautiful words to live by!