Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The God Test

A friend recently sent me a link that I found fascinating.
Here is the email she sent:
On Thursday, the main story on the front page of USA Today -- the most widely circulated print newspaper in the U.S. -- was about the work of two Baylor professors and their new book, America's Four Gods.

Sociology professors Dr. Christopher Bader and Dr. Paul Froese based their work on results from the biennial Baylor Survey of Religion. The study found that Americans tend to see God in one of four ways: authoritarian, benevolent, critical or distant. By knowing which type of God an American believes in, Bader and Froese believe that the person's views on many other issues can be predicted.

1. Authoritarian
2. Benevolent
3. Critical
4. Distant

Interesting premise; right?
Based on the survey, how do you perceive God?

I would love for you to take the test (it's pretty quick, just a few minutes), and post your results in the "comments" section. Here is the direct link for the test:


By the way, my results came back that I saw God as Authoritarian, but don't let that sway you... HaHa!


  1. I got that too! I really like how they showed the overall statistics at the end of it and how they demographically matched up with me. Very interesting...

  2. My view of God is Benevolent. 14.7% are female that have this view of God; 8.6% are 56 or older :-/
    20.1% are Protestant. 28.3% see God as Benevolent.

  3. I got benevolent. I had a real problem with the words they chose for God's Authoritative character. Critical has way too much unjust bias to be used of God. And, while God does express wrath, to me "wrathful" implies a consistent state. All in all a poor test for a God who is so much more than one word could ever describe.
