Monday, February 28, 2011

Biting The Bullet

Well, it's been far too long since I've updated my blog. (some of you have recently "called me out" about it, too...thanks for that...HaHa!)

I apologize to you, my readers and my friends (not that you've been anxiously awaiting my latest musings; but, for my own discipline, I should be more diligent in updating my blog).

Truth be told: I have actually started about 8 or 9 different blogs since my last post, but I have been sheepish to post them... mainly because I have felt as though my thoughts have been too "preachy" or too "confrontational." I wish you could see some of the titles that have hit the cutting room floor.

Okay, okay; here's a couple blog entry titles that haven't been posted, just to name a few:

From salacious titles such as "Alternative Lifestyle" to episodic installments such as "Continuing Tremors", I have struggled to find an appropriate creative outlet for the myriad of thoughts and mental shifts that I am experiencing.

Anyway... once more I say: sorry it has been so long since my last post. That will not happen again.

I am, currently, in the process of laying out the next several months of writings because I now know the direction in which I am heading. Thanks for your patience, and I certainly hope that you continue to support my blog, read it, tell others about it, join in the conversation and challenge me when you think I am going off-course (which has been known to happen...HaHa!).

Just to give you a teaser: Over the next several months, I am going to be delving into the subject of "Exceptional Living"... (wait for it, wait for it...Ooohhh...)
More to come!

1 comment:

  1. I thought you died and were called up to the pearly gates of splendor. So glad to have you back and I look forward to your next blog.

    The Asch Family
