Thursday, November 26, 2009

Lessons In Thankfulness From Robinson Crusoe

On this day of Thanksgiving, I wanted to share with you an amazing excerpt from the literary classic, Robinson Crusoe, written by Daniel Defoe in 1719.

This particular portion of the text has had a profound impact upon my life.

It can be so easy to forget that God has done extraordinary things for us within the context of this ordinary life. Day in and day out, countless miracles escape our attention amidst the mundane... yet, we must find a way to be grateful. To be thankful. To be filled with joy. To live a lifesong of praise.

James MacDonald of WALK IN THE WORD ministries always says, "gratitude is the attitude that sets the altitude for living."

In the midst of blessing, we can easily Give Thanks! However, thankfulness is much harder to come out of our mouths amidst pain and suffering. Maybe that is why Scripture encourages us to bring "the sacrifice of praise."

Anyway, let this excerpt from Chapter 7 of Robinson Crusoe be an encouragement for you. After having been shipwrecked on an island, this is how Crusoe faces his situation with praise and a thankful heart.

"I now began to consider seriously my Condition, and the Circumstance I was reduc'd to, and I drew up the State of my Affairs in Writing, not so much to leave them to any that were to come after me, for I was like to have but few Heirs, as to deliver my Thoughts from daily poring upon them, and afflicting my Mind; and as my Reason began now to master my Despondency, I began to comfort my self as well as I could, and to set the good against the Evil, that I might have something to distinguish my Case from worse, and I stated it very impartially, like Debtor and Creditor, the Comforts I enjoy'd, against the Miseries I suffer'd, Thus,"

I am cast upon a horrible desolate Island, void of all hope of Recovery.
But I am alive, and not drown'd as all my Ship's Company was.
I am singl'd out and separated, as it were, from all the World to be miserable.
But I am singl'd out too from all the Ship's Crew to be spar'd from Death; and He that miraculously sav'd me from Death, can deliver me from this Condition.
I am divided from Mankind, a Solitaire, one banish'd from humane Society.
But I am not starv'd and parishing on a barren Place, affording no Sustenance.
I have not Clothes to cover me.
But I am in a hot Climate, where if I had Clothes I could hardly wear them.
I am without any Defence or Means to resist any Violence of Man or Beast.
But I am cast on an Island, where I see no wild Beasts to hurt me, as I saw on the Coast of Africa: And what if I had been Shipwreck'd there?
I have no Soul to speak to, or relieve me.
But God wonderfully sent the Ship in near enough to the Shore, that I have gotten out so many necessary things as will either supply my Wants, or enable me to supply my self even as long as I live.

If we sat down to count our blessings, we would be astounded at God's continued hand of Providence in our lives.

Today, may the Lord make all Grace abound to you!


  1. Thank you, Dallas, for the reminder. :) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  2. Thank you, Dallas. That excerpt was so apropos. It reminds me to look up and count my blessings.
