Saturday, July 31, 2010

Is It Really That "Awesome"?

(this one is a rant --- so get ready)

I'm calling us out... our culture overuses the word, "awesome."

We do. Period.

Every single day, I hear the word, "awesome" used in the most mundane ways.
"That episode of [name of show] was awesome."
"What an awesome car [referencing a '78 Yugo]!"
"This turkey sandwich is awesome."

Really? Really?
Are any of these things really "awesome"?
Do they truly inspire awe in you? (okay, maybe the '78 Yugo)
But, did that turkey sandwich really make you fall to your knees in wonder and amazement?
Did it?
Did it?
The spicy mustard couldn't have been that good.

Start to pay attention to how often you say it. How often are you misusing the word, "awesome" in the course of a week or a month?

Here's an experiment: instead of the word "awesome", what if we substitute it with another word --- say, "cantstandarific"...?

"That concert was cantstandarific! I can't stand, it was so terrific!"

I think that would work for me: "cantstandarific."

Then, we could reserve the word "awesome" for the things that truly deserve it:
A sunset revealing the grandeur of nature or a worship experience where the Presence of God is palpable, etc., etc., etc.

Let "awesome" be more than cool.
Let "awesome" be inspiring, breathtaking, sweeping, epic.
You know; let "awesome" be awesome!

The English language is already cheap enough. Could we reserve just a few words for their actual intended meaning? Could we keep the purity of some descriptions to their original essence?

Wow --- that would be cantstandarific!

PS - don't even think about using the word "awesome" in the comments section...HaHaHa!


  1. Its Istanbul not Cantstandarific! -Jim Ripley

    Yikes! -Dee Ripley

  2. Bob Lane might just book a flight to California and kiss you on the mouth!
    He has been on that soap box for a few years and if you had the German imported mustard I was given by my brother-in-law, you would call the turkey sandwich AWESOME ...
